Month: January 2001

Why Worship?

Why bother going to church? Some would tell us that it's better to sleep late on Sunday, eat a leisurely breakfast, and lounge around talking with the family. And then maybe have lunch with friends or enjoy a picnic and games with the children. "Make it a day that's different and even restful," some would say, "but don't waste time by going to church on Sunday!"

What Jesus Didn't Do

I once heard a skeptic say that if Jesus really was the Son of God, His sufferings must have been easier to bear. This comment caused me to re-examine the Gospels. While reviewing the incredible things Jesus did and said to accomplish our great salvation, I also noted a number of things Jesus didn't do that are equally vital to our salvation:

A Good Miss

I was watching with interest a game in which my grandson Peter was playing. It was his second year of playing T-ball, which introduces 6-year-olds to baseball. In this game the ball is placed on a rubber post that sits on homeplate. A baseball rests on top of the batting tee just waiting to be slugged. The youngsters swing with all their might, hoping to hit a home run, but often they miss the ball completely.

Do You Mind?

Throughout the London subway system are signs that warn, "Mind The Gap." They remind riders to pay attention to the space between the train and the platform. In the United States I've seen signs along highways with the single word, "Think!" The point of both is clear: In the midst of our daily routine, we often fail to engage our minds in what we're doing.

The Last Few Pounds

Whatever weight-loss plan you choose, you're bound to lose pounds—at least for a while. But most dieters reach a plateau before they reach their goal, and many get discouraged when the thrill leaves before all the weight does. Many give up and go back to their old ways of eating.

Holy Love

Many followers of Jesus Christ today are preoccupied with the love and goodness of God, but not many think about His holiness. And even fewer quake in fear of it! Why?

Outside The Family Circle

When Jesus saw His mother from the cross, His heart went out to her. He knew that her hurt was deeper than that of anyone else there, and He gave her special attention.

What Keeps Us Going

Isaac Asimov tells the story of a rough ocean crossing during which a Mr. Jones became terribly seasick. At an especially rough time, a kind steward patted Jones on the shoulder and said, "I know, sir, that it seems awful. But remember, no one ever died of seasickness." Mr. Jones lifted his green countenance to the steward's concerned face and replied, "Oh, don't say that! It's only the wonderful hope of dying that keeps me alive."

Spend Them Wisely

A high school teacher in Los Angeles had a unique way of stimulating her students to think. From time to time she would write brief messages on the chalkboard that were unrelated to their current studies.